Last week we saw Inside Out - what a beautiful, funny movie. I wish so hard I had seen this when I was 11. Really applaud Pixar for making a film about emotional intelligence. Genious. Here's me in last 10 minutes:
Also saw Jurassic World, which was a fun, big-screen movie with the always charming Chris Pratt who is just a joy to watch and inspired zoo-keepers everywhere to create his scene with the velociraptors and provided a nice opportunity to revive all those classic Jeff Goldblum lines. Life, uh, finds a way. The only thing is, the movie was soooooooo unrealistic. I mean, Bryce Howard wears heels through the ENTIRE thing? Come on.
Oh dear god, I also saw Magic Mike XXL which I thought was going to be a hilarious romp with a handful of girlfriends, but was more like a constant barrage of crotches shaking in faces. For reasons I don't quite understand, the movie is getting excellent reviews. Although I did appreciate the diversity - including women of color, women of size, and even a scene where all these straight dude strippers stood around respectfully clapping and smiling at the mad skills of these other dudes at a gay bar. So, there's that.
Let's see... we also saw Spy with Melissa McCarthy. It was a fun movie that thankfully was made up of more substantial material than.... hey look at this goofy fat lady jokes. It was smart and pro-woman and also very funny. Mad Max Fury Road was totes amaze. Was like, literally gripping the arms of my seat through entire movie and it was just like a pure, big-screen experience that was everything I love about going TO the movies. Not for the faint of heart.