One of the advantages of my neighborhood is the annual Midsommar Fest, which I really think is the best fest in all of Chicago. I mean, you're likely to get shot at Taste of Chicago, but at Midsommar, the worst you'll encounter is a poor reel in lederhosen. It's really the lederhosen that separates Midsommar from all the other fests. That and the tres cool, dog-owning, baby carriage pushing, lesbian vibe. I love Andersonville, and really can't imagine living anywhere else in Chicago, but please oh please, can't you stay out? It's getting hard to park on the weekends. Find your own cool neighborhood, loser. hee! Well, if you are visiting, I've placed some books outside for a giveaway and registered them through
bookcrossing.com, which is a really cool website and program, you should check it out. Its occurring to me that someone might interpret my personality based on the books I'm getting rid of. There's CS Lewis's Mere Christianity, the Pope's book, some book by Mitchner called the Covenant that neither one of us will claim and have no intention of reading and a bunch of books by Carl Hiaasen. The casual passerby might assume I hate Florida and have given up on organized religion. Actually, I guess that's mostly true, but mostly I'm trying to declutter. (bands pictured are Bumpus and Funkadesi - they were great!)