There was a big storm yesterday afternoon and our power went out! It was out for about 24 hours. I had a hard time trying to decide whether I wanted to pretend to be a Pioneer Woman or a Jane Austin-Type. I settled on "old-timey woman" and got a big thrill out of walking around with candles. Suffering from severe internet withdraw, I wrote a letter to my cousin and attempted to read. Turns out: candles don't really provide that much light. Here's my living room...
I love a good power outage when the weather is cool. We light up LOTS of candles (kelley...!), get out the battery operated speakers for my iPod and play games or read together. Is that like Laura Ingalls?
A Discovery of Witches
I got a new job with a much longer commute, so naturally the first thing I
did was get an Audible account. First I listed to *Olive Again*, by
Elizabeth S...
5 years ago
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." —Margaret Mead
More candles, sweets. Try more candles. Taller ones, too.
I would have played Laura Ingalls for sure. I like when the power goes out:)
I love a good power outage when the weather is cool. We light up LOTS of candles (kelley...!), get out the battery operated speakers for my iPod and play games or read together. Is that like Laura Ingalls?
I think Laura would probably get a kerosene lamp and dance while Pa played his fiddle. They probably would also light up a fire in the fireplace.
But, you have the modern version down:)
I didn't realize you were talking about tea-candles. Those provide about zero light beyond their little tin housings.
Like the other K's are saying- you gotta get tall candles, more candles, or a fireplace to rock it Old-(log-cabin)-School!
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