I'm trying to watch the debates, but Palin is killing me with her folksy, bullshitty garbage. Oh god, now she's talking about drilling in Alaska...
I have a theory that one of the worst downfalls of this country is that Americans are under the mistaken impression that they are rich. To me, it's completely illogical to vote for McCain (or Bush, the last few times), for like, a hundred reasons (She just called him Senator O'Biden!), not least of which is taxes. I mean, the only people who are going to be taxed more by Obama will make over $250,000 a year. If you're making that much, god love ya, I think you can spare a little. For the rest of us schmucks who aren't pulling that much down, we're going to see some bigger breaks. Meanwhile, McCain gives the biggest breaks to the highest earners.
And his healthcare plan! Don't get me started on his health care "plan"! Listen, I've been in the very, very unlucky position of not having employer-sponsored health care, and I've tried to buy private coverage for myself. First of all, if you've so much as been to the doctor in the last year for a hangnail, forget about it - you won't get approved for coverage. Secondly, a "$5000 rebate", to use a colloquial term, ain't shit. I got a quote, 5 years ago, mind you, for health coverage at $2000 a MONTH. Seriously. His plan's a total joke. It'll make an already horrendous system a thousand times worse.
Anyway, I don't think I can take this much longer, but I do think Biden (O'Biden! ha!) is killing. He's a bright guy (and clean and articulate), he's compassionate, and he doesn't appear to have learned how to pronounce the word "nuclear" properly within the last 24 hours.
A Discovery of Witches
I got a new job with a much longer commute, so naturally the first thing I
did was get an Audible account. First I listed to *Olive Again*, by
Elizabeth S...
5 years ago
My thoughts exactly. Palin is a joke---please tell me its a joke.
You go girl....I don't know if the country can take it if those two get in office...VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRAT'S
I gave in and watched a little bit. I loved it when she said "I am very tolerant" ... yeah, as long as you think like she does!
The part where she said she hoped what she was about to say didn't sound anything less than tolerant was ridiculous. It's like when Dad says, "Now, I'm, not mad, but..." We all know he's mad, and we all know that lady isn't tolerant. I hate that word by the way. Who wants to be tolerated? How offensive. And the drilling! I love when she said it would make just a tiny footprint. The future goal is to make no footprints! Then she said she didn't care about the causes- I can go on and on...
Ok, one more. Then Geraldine Ferrera (is that how you spell her name?) in the after comentary said that she was proud of her because she was a woman. Seriouly, I guess Gereldine and others thought she would just stand up there and look pretty and then cry.
Watching the whole thing from the other side of the pond, Palin seems unutterably terrifying as a prospect for vice president to an aged president. Please GOD they don't get in......
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