We went on a little mini-break to South Beach last week. I was in desperate need of a vacation. It was super-relaxing and really fun. We stayed at the very posh Shore Club. We splurged on an ocean-view room with a balcony and had to make tough decisions every day like, Do we sit next to one of the pools or by the ocean today? And, What type of fruity cocktail shall I ask for the next time the waiter comes around? Aside from laying around and drinking cocktails, we took lovely walks along the boardwalk at night and checked out the art deco hotels on Ocean Boulevard. And I bought some really cute sandals, which, now that we're back in Chicago, I realize I won't be able to wear for some time.
I've been meaning to do this for some time but finally found the right materials - namely some tape and M's old music stand, furled. Now I can play the guitar AND sing. At. The. Same. Time. It is awesomely awesome and I'm in Rock Band Heaven. Will someone please send me one of those harmonica things you put around your neck? I need one.
The garden is blooming and things are looking gorgeous. Pa and I are hoping it's going to be a good growin' season for tomaters.* Here are some lovely things:
Aren't these Bleeding Hearts amazing? They look like jewels.
Kaya in the sun
A slightly obscene tulip.
*We planted radish seeds a few days ago and they're already starting to come up - apparently they only take 21 days to come to fruition or whatever. I'm excited about an early harvest!
Last weekend M and I saw How to Train Your Dragon. Neither of us knew very much about it, but the 'Tomato rating was so high we thought we'd better go see what all the fuss was about. We saw it in 3D, natch, and, it was really terrific. The 3D was super-exciting (like riding a dragon!), the animation was really gorgeous, and the story was fun and smart. I couldn't help but compare to Avatar, which was also about flying mythical creatures and had great 3D but the lamest story of all time. I thought the animation in 'Dragon was MUCH better than Avatar and (I don't think I'll ruin either story for you by saying that) UNLIKE Avatar, 'Dragon had a really positive message to make about persons with disabilities.
I read this great interview recently on Feministing by an artist named Sunaura Taylor who talks about persons with body impairments that really made me think for about 2 straight weeks, which I appreciate. I encourage you to read it.
I've watched this commercial about six thousand times since it first came out because I just LOVE the way it was created and the vibe is SO fun. There's a free download of the song on Amazon - go get it!
What a lovely easter - we had friends over for brunch and then hung out in the garden enjoying the sunshine. Now it's pouring rain with thunder and lightning! Eek!
I made a crrrrraft for some young chickadees that came today. They're chicks dressed like rabbits, see?
A Discovery of Witches
I got a new job with a much longer commute, so naturally the first thing I
did was get an Audible account. First I listed to *Olive Again*, by
Elizabeth S...
5 years ago
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." —Margaret Mead