Speaking of "crafting", there was a cool post on How about Orange last week that caused an onslaught of comments. She was writing about how she doesn't like the word "craft" because it often calls up an image of lame, ruffled and be-hearted do-dads that say things like, well, "When the Lord closes a door..." I have the same problem with the word, but I'm trying to reclaim it. I think the semantic issue comes from a history of belittling the work of women, as if the beautiful and/or useful things handmade by women are merely things to occupy our febrile minds. There are some great women crafters out there right now reclaiming the word and remaking it to suit their own views (politics, the environment, feminism...) Check out this post on Radical Cross Stitch about the long history of the connection between activism and crafting.
super cross stitch! I reckon it deserves a prize even :) Email me your address and I'll send you a copy of the radical cross stitch zine! My email is kakarikioteao at gmail dot com Yay!
You should enter it in the county fair! Nicely done; the last time I cross stiched, it ended up in a tangle and I threw it away.
I love it! Some of those charts you linked are pretty hilarious!
The only thing lame about crafting are the people who don't get it. I don't know what state my house or children would be in were I not a crafter---not just for the direct products of my work but also for the insights I've gleaned from years of putting things together.
Its not about the crocheted poodle toilet paper cozies, people.
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