Had a great weekend with My Girls. We had a terrific time staying up late and drinking a lot of wine and talking, nice long breakfasts and a trip downtown... Here are a few favorite shots:

These gals are great because I know I can always count on them, and even if a (terribly!) long time passes between visits, whenever we see each other, it's just like old times. I love you, gals!
As always, Kel, you are one hell of a hostess! Thanks for everything!
Yay! Looks like you had a wonderful time together. Yay for girl fun!
MORE red-heads! Fabulous!
Dad says he is glad a fun time was had by all, the pictures are wonderful, by any chance did any of the girls have a problem with Mrs. Miller, your old PE teacher? Just wondering!!!!!Love DAD
I understand Mike had to wear earplugs part of the time - I can sympathize - I remember needing them more than a few times way back when! I am so proud that you gals are keeping up your connections. The fact that you value your friendship is just more evidence of how special I knew you all were. What beauties you are now!!! I love you all. mom penny
Mrs. Miller. Ha! "Ookaaaay girlzzzz! [Stretch] Up and down, and up and down, and up . . . [in her nasal voice]" I can totally remember her voice. What kind of trouble was had with Mrs. Miller? You can tell here. I highly doubt she is checking blogs, or using a computer at all for that matter.
It is so great to be able to have those friends that no matter the time you are apart it is still just like old times. I hope they are all doing well!
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