I read the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman last year. They're a pretty good little series, and anyone aching from the end of Harry Potter would probably enjoy reading them. Same for anyone who enjoyed LoTR or the Narnia books. Which is to say that they're heavy on fantasy and ostensibly for young people but sophisticated books that adult readers will also enjoy.
The first book of the series is The Golden Compass (published as Northern Lights in England and for reasons most assuredly stupid changed in the states) has been made into a movie and suffers from many of the problems particular to the beloved childhood fantasy translated to a major motion picture. Possibly it would be completely incomprehensible to any viewer who has not read the book. I should mention that I fell asleep a couple of times during the movie, but that has more to do with me being a big, sleepy, old-timer loser who is no longer capable of going out on a Friday night. I thought the characters were really great, especially Nicole Kidman who just crackles as the shimmery ice queen Ms. Coulter. One of my favorite things about the books, the idea that really captured my imagination, was that every person has a daemon, an animal familiar that sort of shares their soul and is never far away. It was really fun to see everyone's daemon on the big screen. I wish I had one. Apparently if I did, it would be him:
There must be an online quiz here. Can you post linkage? I want to see my daemon.
Just back from the movie---sat right down to find out my Daemon is an Ocelot named Achaean. He's responsible, assertive, modest, dependable and flexible.
A Discovery of Witches
I got a new job with a much longer commute, so naturally the first thing I
did was get an Audible account. First I listed to *Olive Again*, by
Elizabeth S...
5 years ago
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." —Margaret Mead
There must be an online quiz here. Can you post linkage? I want to see my daemon.
Yeah, you just click on it and go to Meet Your Own Daemon...
Oh, I found it. It is a flash site, so you can only post the front page link:
You have to go to "daemons" on the main menu, and then select "meet your daemon".
OMG, I got the same daemon, only the female version.
That is so weird, you guys!!
I got a chimpanzee named erasmus.
I am a male Whippet (the dog). I still need to read the books you lent me, K.
I am a male Snow Goose Daemon named Remis. I wasn't expecting to be a goose, but it said I was spontaneous, shy and dependable. I agree.
Just back from the movie---sat right down to find out my Daemon is an Ocelot named Achaean. He's responsible, assertive, modest, dependable and flexible.
And perhaps bossy, selfish and cynical....
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