Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Last weekend we went out to my friend A's family farm in rural IL. Always a lovely time - mostly sitting around on the porch and chatting - very relaxing. We watched the World Cup on Sun., I think the first time several people, including me, had watched a soccer game all the way through. Very interesting. I don't understand why The Netherlands didn't try to score a point at the end when half of the Spanish team literally laid down on the pitch and sobbed. I had read about that Octopus in Germany who'd predicted the winners of the WC, so I blindly believed that Spain would win because the octopus said so, and they did. So.

Do you know what else I blindly believed? A st/ring test. A is preg. and to have a whatchacallit the next day to find out whether the baby was a girl or a boy? So, we did that thing where you tie a string around your wedding ring and dangle it over The Belly. Eventually the ring will either swing round in a circle or back and forth. Anyway: It. Worked. I did it, then she did it, and we both got the same thing, then, I mean, you hardly need to even GO to the doctor for confirmation after results like that, but she DID, and, it was RIGHT. So.


dad said...

Congratulations to "A" and her husband.....(and what a Great picture of the 2 of you!)

kbmulder said...

So, what was it?! How exciting!

Carrie said...


KHM said...

This is exactly what I learned of probability estimation techniques in graduate statistics. I'm so glad for your validation. So. Octopi and wedding rings---that's all we need.

Special K said...

KHM: I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or serious, I know you're a bit of a stats geek...

KBM: I feel weird about breaking A's news online - I'll tell ya later!

Carrie: So.

Amber said...

It's a girl! Well, it's a 75% chance of being a girl. Well, we saw what could possibly have been boy parts, but they looked more like girl parts. Possibly both - the little darling may possibly be both. :)

Love the picture!!!