Monday, June 11, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

 We saw Moonrise Kingdom over the weekend - it's utterly charming and M & I both loved it.  Every moment is a visual pleasure.  Like most (all?) Wes Anderson movies, it has a great soundtrack, too.  I'm pretty happy to have discovered this song.

The film website looks like it might hold a few treasures - I'm going to pour over it later...

I also watched Higher Ground on dvd, directed by and starring Vera Farmiga.  It made quite an impact on me.  Lots to think about re: religion.  Parts were difficult for me to watch not because of violence or anything like that, but because of the particular expresion of religious dogma.  I recommend it espec. to my sister, I wish we could watch it together.  

Lest you think I whiled away the entire weekend, not so!  Most of the weekend was whiled away in our backyard oasis where the following ingredients (cat + hammock + mojito + good book + beloved spouse) formulate just about the most perfect summer day you could ask for.  On Sunday we ate every single meal outside.  Bliss.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Special,
I'm trying to figure out how to ask you to review a book and this seems like the only way to contact you. The book is Full Measure by Kat Lee. This is chick lit, but she also writes YA adventure under the name of Elle Casey. Book can be sent to you in mobi, epub or pdf. Here are links to her work. Link:

Link to Elle Casey author books:
my email is
Thanks! Margaret