I'm about to (am I?) stop watching American Idol as mysteriously as I started watching it in the first place. Last night's "Idol Gives Back" was like an old fashioned variety show (and not in a good way). I can't help but find it ridiculous that the welfare of our world is in such dire straights, that even multi-million dollar corporations like Fox figure they've got to throw it a bone every now and then. I mean, is that how our government deals with crises of health and social welfare? Just wait for some self-serving company to take care of it?
Although, I did enjoy the performance of the great Annie Lennox very much. In other news, I volunteered for the last time (hopefully not for ever) at the Art Institute yesterday. By some coincidence, I was listening to Selected Shorts by Symphony Space on my 'pod, when a story about a person who passed a long period of the Art Institute came on! He wandered the halls of the museum, imagining, hoping, to wake up in the luxury of some of his favorite paintings. It was called “Killing Time”, by Stuart DybekI really loved my work there, but, alas - I must go on. Before I left, I took a short walk to my favorite place in the museum (and Chicago), the Ando Gallery, where I've passed many a happy, peaceful moment.
I can barely stand Idol either. That kid with the white-boy dreads got up there with an ukulele and took a dump all over Iz's version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and for some reason the judges thought it was amazing. Then Kristi Lee Cook went on and actually looked like a pop star and sang quite well and they were lukewarm on it. The fix is in on that show.
Congrats on the job btw, I'm really happy for you.
Thanks, Lyman! I think the reason everyone went batshit over that song was maybe because they might not have heard that version before? Iz's IS just outrageously, ridiculously beautiful and heartwarming, and, I agree, in comparison, Dreadlock's did not sound great. Maybe it will give Iz some more national exposure, tho...
Killing Time....is it of a special place in the artists heart? I know it's one of your favorites..I like it also! Have a wonderful first day on your job. You'll be a star! Love Dad
A Discovery of Witches
I got a new job with a much longer commute, so naturally the first thing I
did was get an Audible account. First I listed to *Olive Again*, by
Elizabeth S...
5 years ago
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." —Margaret Mead
I can barely stand Idol either. That kid with the white-boy dreads got up there with an ukulele and took a dump all over Iz's version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and for some reason the judges thought it was amazing. Then Kristi Lee Cook went on and actually looked like a pop star and sang quite well and they were lukewarm on it. The fix is in on that show.
Congrats on the job btw, I'm really happy for you.
Thanks, Lyman! I think the reason everyone went batshit over that song was maybe because they might not have heard that version before? Iz's IS just outrageously, ridiculously beautiful and heartwarming, and, I agree, in comparison, Dreadlock's did not sound great. Maybe it will give Iz some more national exposure, tho...
I agree with ya'll. And after Michael Johns was sent home, even though his "Dream On" WAS weak---I think I'm done.
And WORD! I thought Jason Castro's re-endition of Iz's arrangement was PATHETIC and invited all kinds of Tiny Tim jokes---none of which came.
I love the Seurat painting...
Killing Time....is it of a special place in the artists heart? I know it's one of your favorites..I like it also! Have a wonderful first day on your job. You'll be a star! Love Dad
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