I've started my new job and so far it's going really well. Wouldn't you know my second day I started to get an itch in my throat, yesterday I was really sick and today a little worse so I stayed home. Feel terrible about the bad timing, but what can you do? Anyway, aside from that, it's great, and I think I'm going to like it there. My boss is cool and into reducing and reusing like me, and told me about this nifty flash video called
The Story of Stuff. Check it out!

Speaking of stuff - there was an
article in yesterday's NYT about a study that indicates that money
does buy happiness. I learned that back in the late 90s when I moved to San Francisco and started making a lot of money. It makes sense - people who have money most likely have well-paying jobs and therefore don't have to worry about stuff like rent and medical bills and various payments and food-on-the-table - things that make you insane when you don't have it. Of course, another thing I learned was that money buys
stuff, and stuff, explicitly, does
not buy happiness. Which (see how it all comes full circle?) is what that video gets to.
In other news, my parents are coming for a visit and a Cubs game this weekend and I hope to put them to work in our front garden, which is an absolute mess right now. Last week I practiced what I tagged
Intuitive Gardening, where I just sort of followed my intuition with little to no actual gardening knowledge. We'll see what happens. I want to put more flowers in the garden this year, so I planted some seeds - I hope they come up.
UPDATE: I should mention,
shoes don't count as stuff - they're simply marvelous things that have also been proven to buy happiness, just like money. (:
I know I have to much STUFF! (Don't have time to watch the video right now, have to go check on my stuff)
I know I have to much STUFF! (Don't have time to watch the video right now, have to go check on my stuff)
I'm glad things are going well for your first week; sorry you had to call in sick. I hope you'll be well enough to head back tomorrow!
I absolutely LOVE those shoes!!!
those are some stylin' kicks, K. I love them!
I did watch the video and it made me sad. But the "you suck" part did make me laugh. Its just so true, maybe it made me sad b/c my mom and uncle are going to end up loosing their jobs b/c "WE SUCK" and listened to the government and went out and bought all of this STUFF.
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