Monday, July 24, 2006

Eek! I'm 32!

This weekend was my birthday, and I had a great time. Some friends joined us for a Redmoon Theatre production in Millenium Park, which, actually, wasn't as great as I was hoping it would be, but it was fun sitting in the sun. Later we came back to our house for cocktails and eventually went out to dinner. Also I got an interview, so with any luck, I might soon be minimally employed. I've also got my fingers crossed for another job that's opening up at the Art Institute. So, I'm trying to keep my hopes up that after longer than I care to admit, I will re-enter the working world.


Anonymous said...

32 is going to be awesome!!
You are totally going to get the job. Nobody is cooler than you, and I mean that. I love my special K. :)

Anonymous said...

Oops, that was from me -- Caitlin! I forgot to sign off on the last one, and I didn't want you to think I was your secret admirer. Though I am enamored of you, it is in a platonic way, and also, not that secret.