That's a cute picture - it's amazing how much you, C., C., and S. all still have the same faces! you know how some kids don't look at all like their adult versions, but you all totally do.
A day in the lives of the Rinehart kid's at Uncle Wayne's and Aunt Betty's......Those were the days! We ate, we played (softball, basketball...more softball & basketball) we ate some more...wonder if the kids caught any fish that day? It sure was fun! Kelly, Thanks for the Memories. Love dad
A Discovery of Witches
I got a new job with a much longer commute, so naturally the first thing I
did was get an Audible account. First I listed to *Olive Again*, by
Elizabeth S...
5 years ago
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." —Margaret Mead
LOVE your shoes!!
And also love your new pic!
and also love you. :)
I know, right? Those were like my favorite shoes evah - AND - guess what? They were SCENTED. Uh huh. Strawberries.
That's a cute picture - it's amazing how much you, C., C., and S. all still have the same faces! you know how some kids don't look at all like their adult versions, but you all totally do.
Aw! You know how I love old pictures. Look at S! He looks like he's ready to attack!
A day in the lives of the Rinehart kid's at Uncle Wayne's and Aunt Betty's......Those were the days! We ate, we played (softball, basketball...more softball & basketball) we ate some more...wonder if the kids caught any fish that day? It sure was fun! Kelly, Thanks for the Memories. Love dad
One more thing, that picture is one of my favorites, but I don't even know if I have one of not!
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