You know those gigantaloid bags you buy at Ikea for $.50? Quite a while ago,
K told me about her friend, a fellow crafter over
Knit or Get Off the Pot, who pointed out how easy it is to make two bags from one. I love what she did with the otherwise not-very-useful bags. Just made these myself:

but what is that button and hook for? you ask. Why, I'll show you.


Ta Da! Handy ICOE bagwithinabag!
It's official: you rock! Fabuloso. I'm going to set my socks aside for a few minutes and finally get mine done tonight. NICE.
Oh, that is genius!!! I love the portability of the tiny folded up bag. You'll never be without a bag!!!
How cool is that. Now you will always have a bag in your purse, if your out shopping and had forgotten your canvas bag at home.
You are the coolest person EVER!!!
You have to show me how to do that!
Why, THANKS, Gals! *blush*
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