Something got cocked up in our DVR so The Guy came this morning, and besides regaling me with tales of how much better he plays Guitar Hero when he's drunk, he gave me the bad news that we needed to replace the machine and all our recordings would be lost. Wah, all those 30 Rocks I'd saved! A Friday Night Lights only half-watched! And last night's American Idol, for which I had to suffer a certain husband making fun. I watched the Philadelphia one the night before. I don't know why that Simon guy gets such a bad rap. If you ask me, he's the most professional one of them all - Crazy and that other dude sit there snickering and poking each other in the ribs, but at least Simon has some decorum. You know what's interesting? The show was two hours long but I watched it in about 40 minutes, fast forwarding through commercials, anything with that Seacrest person, and any shots of the miserable hovels and tiny babies these desperate wannabes are anxious to escape.
In other news, there's a wet snow coming down outside, but K is warm and toasty inside, hiding from the world and all the nasty people out there who might take her DVR and tell her a singing career is simply not in her future.
A Discovery of Witches
I got a new job with a much longer commute, so naturally the first thing I
did was get an Audible account. First I listed to *Olive Again*, by
Elizabeth S...
5 years ago
How about that crazy Alexis girl from the first ep.? Simon told her "this isn't for you ... I see you starting a band." That's all he said and she was so pissed at him flipping off the camera and saying "TAKE IT SIMON! TAKE IT!"
God I love that show, too bad it starts to suck once they get to Hollywood.
The one with all the glitter and the wackiness? I think she had some serious problems. It was like she was prepared to hate Simon whether he said anything negative to her or not. I've never watched it from the beginning. When do they go to "hollywood"?
Yeah, well Fox loves to put forward this idea that Simon is the bad guy and like so many other suggestions, America just blindly follows. He's the only one with sense. The whole show, really, is blatant manipulation. I think so many of the rejected folks' rants are solicited.. bleh.
I think we should all start watching our DVR'd episodes via conference calls.
If you haven't tossed your box, K, you should be able to download what's there.
have you guys noticed that Lyman never comments on my blog unless its not about knitting? I mean, he's welcome to comment ANY time.
I LOVE American Idol. Manipulation-sure, but we all have our vices. Besides, I mostly like the idols that have been picked not that I buy their CD's, but I don't buy more than 2 a year, so that's not saying much. I like it just as much when they go to H-wood, but I'll be DVRing the whole thing to get it in a managable about of time.
I guess you just don't like it when people disagree with you Kathy. Typical liberal knitter!
I don't know why you can't be polite, Lyman. (:
That's it. I'm going to start moderating my comments.
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