In non-father related news, M and I saw The Incredible Hulk last night. It was, naturally, much better than Ang Lee's 2002 version, which I gave the SMACK DOWN on my old website (I'm sure Lee still feels its bitter sting!) This new Hulk, played by Edward Norton and some CGI (which largely avoids the perils of the uncanny valley) has the sensitive Bruce Banner just trying to keep his heart rate low while he's plagued by the US military, who want to replicate him (or something.) Why can't they just leave Hulk in peace???? Hulk wonders. What's really bothered me in the past re: all things Hulk is the Physics of the Pants, whereby when Bruce becomes the Hulk, all his clothes but his pants split off, and when he turns back into a dude, what do you know? He's still got his pants. In this Hulk, they actually spend a good deal of time on pants physics, which I appreciate. What's the secret? Elastic.
Thank you Kelly, the picture brings tears to my eyes, I love the "old" pictures of you kids, and that is especially one of my favorites. (I have several in my room, aka the den, remember the one with you, Carrie, Sam, cousins Connie, Lil' Randy, and Jason, it was either before or after a BIG softball game at Uncle Wayne and Aunt Betty's house, it also could have been the day you kids caught that BIG fish!!!, while I'm boring your blogger friends, another picture I have on my desk is of me and you, I think you were 8 years old at the time, and it was back in the days when you played softball in Little League, in the picture it's me and you and several of the "team" standing by the dugout, and I must have been giving late inning instructions that no doubt led us to another victory,...and you looked Hot!, and tired, dry, and you probably felt dirty, and was wondering when is this game going to be over so we can go to the Dairy Queen. Those were the days! Hope you can look back at them with happy memories, because I do, and I wouldn't trade them for nothing. Kelly,.... Thanks for just being you. Love dad
talk about bringing tears to my eyes...
Awe! What a cute pic at the old Ambrose place. Was it taken on Father's Day?
I spot Connect 4, a doll, and a nativity scene, so maybe it's closer to Christmas.
Don't forget backyard wiffle ball memeories!!
mmmm... Ed Norton...
doesn't Carrie look so much like the caught-in-the-middle-but-left-out child? Its sad...
Carrie is not a left out child, she was a wonderful little girl, and just an outstanding young wife and mother and daughter. Love you Carrie, dad
Well, I'm afraid we'll have to see what Carrie thinks about that daddy - she's a classic middle child.
it was just a fleeting moment, of course, but sometimes they speak volumes...
Gotta love the glasses. I had some just as big.
I remember those wiffle ball games. Those are some great memories that I have. Actually have lots of great memories of Ambrose st, like over nights in the tree house, playing barbies or watching Little House on the Prairie...etc....
Happy Belated Father's Day, Dave.
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