M and I had a great weekend, spending some time with friends, tending the garden (and the neighbor's garden - solved the problem of the overgrown weeds and trees by just cutting them down ourselves! [with permission]), getting a pedicure, and going on a long bike ride. We got all the way to Glencoe and stopped for a drink of water and a brief sit in a lovely gazebo when it propitiously began to thunderstorm. Later this summer we hope to take a two-day bike ride with an overnight B&B stay, somewhere between here and the Wisconsin border.
Today I saw more odd cell phone behavior at the Spa when a woman in the locker room deftly tucked her cell into the depths of her sports bra and then waltzed out for her workout. Do you think it was on vibrate?
Lately I've seen a fair number of people walking about in rainless weather with parasols. Today I pondered the question: Do those people deserve my scorn? Discuss.
A Discovery of Witches
I got a new job with a much longer commute, so naturally the first thing I
did was get an Audible account. First I listed to *Olive Again*, by
Elizabeth S...
5 years ago
Lately I've seen a fair number of people walking about in rainless weather with parasols. Today I pondered the question: Do those people deserve my scorn? Discuss.
People figured out that was a pointless endeavor in the '90's.
*The 1890's*
They do not, said she, opposing Devin.
Even if they are not, in fact, parasols but rather paraumbras, it makes a hell of a lot of sense to carry some shade with you in case there is none where you go. And guts, man; those people have guts. Because the world is full of people who are going to goof on you for it.
You know, only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun.
Do you have room for an extra biker? That trip sounds like a lot of fun! (Might have to find somewhere to keep my phone, I'm sure I'll keep it on vibrate though!)
Must not have been to the SFV lately. There are tons of people seeking shade this way while there is absolutely no hope of rain in the forecast.
I'm still on the fence. On the one hand, they look ridiculous, but, on the other hand, it's pretty cool in the shade.
HA! After getting back from China where one is a fool for not carrying handy shade, I feel these people are smart (skin cancer anyone?) and we are the fools. =)
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