I enjoyed another morning on the patio that was heavenly hot. Ah, I think it's only 70ish, but compared to Chicago, it's tropical. Last night my sister had a book club meeting (I wrote about it on my book blog). I'm totally starting a book club when I get home!
C. and I watched the boys sing on American Idol. I like watching that show, but I wish the judges were better. Simon is the only one with any thing to really say, the other two never offer anything constructive. They should get some music people that really know what they're talking about. Like, on Project Runway, who could be more brilliant than MOB Michael Kors and Nina Garcia? (I can't wait to hear what Victoria Beckham has to say - don't tell me who won, we haven't watched the finale yet!!!!) And, Tyra's a complete lunatic, but at least she, Nigel, Miss J, and now Paulina Bitchzkova have expert and inspired things to say about (of all things) modeling.
Well, the poolside is calling my name - I'm off!
A Discovery of Witches
I got a new job with a much longer commute, so naturally the first thing I
did was get an Audible account. First I listed to *Olive Again*, by
Elizabeth S...
5 years ago
Poolside?? You suck. =)~
You don't suck. How's Milo?
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