Chicago seems to just be getting colder and colder. February finally took me out in the end, I got a bad cold and we even had to cancel our Winter Luau. There comes a time when a girl must face facts, pack her bags, kiss her beloved husband goodbye, and jump on a plane for warmer climes.
Lo, did I find myself sitting on a patio, in the sun, with my coffee. No flannel-lined pants, no sweater, no coat, no fur-lined hat, no socks, no boots, no gloves, no scarves.
My sister's place has changed a lot since the last time I was here P.B. (pre-baby). Their once clutter-free house now has a various pile of toys, actual items on the counter tops, and there's a child-shaped monkey permanently attached to her leg. That's not the only change. Murphy tried to romance me in the bed last night - C. shouted "That's not how we show affection in this house!" Ah, we're peas in a pod. When dogs at the shelter I used to volunteer at misbehaved, I would yell, "That is NOT APPROPRIATE!"
In other news, thrilled that HC rocked it in Texas and Ohio! Yeah!
A Discovery of Witches
I got a new job with a much longer commute, so naturally the first thing I
did was get an Audible account. First I listed to *Olive Again*, by
Elizabeth S...
5 years ago
Doesn't Lyman have a photo on his MySpace or something of Murphy with the caption, "My badass dog pimpin' on the couch. Bitches beware"?
And I thought he was just being funny...
I'm glad you're collecting sunrays.
"That's not the only change. Murphy tried to romance me in the bed last night -"
{reads comments}
Ah! Yes, Murphy is a dog.
I guess that's why they call it "murphy's law".
AH,Yeah Mike...
Kelly's story made me smile this morning and your comments make my laugh so hard I had a spit take with the morning coffee.
Thank Sir.
Brian in Indy
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