Lo, did I find myself in the Salvation Army, looking for wool sweaters. Threw it in the washer, then the dryer, drew a template, cut everything out, sewed it together - realized I didn't have any stuffing, decided I couldn't wait to finish it and then ripped open a pillow for its fluffy insides.

Seriously, is that the cutest thing you've ever seen?
We had a lovely brunch with a (if I do say so myself) killer menu:
Spinach and sun-dried tomato frittata
Roasted Potatoes
Caramelized Onion tartlets
Mini carrot muffins
Deviled eggs
That is pretty darn cute. You are so talented, you can make art, crafts, and even cook yummy things. mmmm! Did the carmelized onion tartlets have any cheese on them? I made a carmelized online pizza once with gorgonzola on top. It was sooooo good.
Milo is the cutest thing I've ever seen but that damn bunny is a serious runner-up. I'm impressed with your innovations...How did you line the ears? Did you do that with a machine of hand sew it? We need DETAILS!
Your brunch sounds AMAZING.
Thanks, Kathy - the lining is just a cotton with a sweet little print, left over from a quilt I made a few years ago. I sewed it with my machine, and sewed the eyes by hand. It was really easy - only took an hour or two. I'm going to keep my eye out for more wool sweaters at second-hand shops!
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