Cute, right? Monday night before I went to bed, I looked out the window (I like to pretend I'm a queen, looking at all that I survey) and I saw the neighbor's cat sitting in our yard. "Hey!" I said, "What are you doing?"
She just looked at me.
"What are you doing down there?"
She took off running in circles all over the yard, and I could see a small shadow, running in front of her. I tore out of the bedroom as fast as I could, running down the stairs, out the back door, screaming, "M_! The Bunny! The BUNNY!" In my bare feet and pajamas, I confronted the cat, "Don't you eat my rabbit! Don't eat that bunny, Obi!" (Is it Obi One? I don't know.) Suddenly the tiny bunny made a break for it, running right over my toes and between my legs. I screamed again, like a maniac. I clapped at Obi and waited 'til she jumped over the fence to her own yard. Then I went back to bed.
So, I'm laying in bed, and, I hate to tell you what I heard... a ... meep! and then nothing. Maybe it was... anything but my sweet little rabbit. "Kaya," I said, "What was that?" She just looked at me. We haven't seen the bunny since, but maybe she'll be back.
in distress of the extreme variety, bunnies are capable of making a sound that can only be described as a scream. I hope that's not what you heard.
Here's hoping the rabbit returns...
Oh, what a relief - it was just a tiny meep, nothing like a scream. Thanks.
Oh Rosie!! Come back to us!
Kelly, Do you think the bunny made it all the way to Martinsvile, it could live in the woods by our house? Hope to see you soon. Love Dad
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