Here's M. mowing our yard for the first time. I gave it a short whirl too, probably the first time I've mowed in at least 15 years. The only other time I gave it a crack, my lawn-obsessed father followed behind me pointing out all the ways I had mis-mowed. I left the mower in the middle of the yard, proclaiming I'd Never Mow Again! Wouldn't you know a certain husband had the nerve to criticize one's mowing, as I began running around in circles with the mower.
Ba! Ba! Bah! I said.
We create our OWN traditions! 
Check out our motorless mower! I'm so proud of it! Luckily, our yard's not so huge, so it's very easy to mow with this little guy.
I love the old-timey mowers!
I always used to use on it my Gramma's house, and she'd give me a quarter after two hours of yard work or something.
No, actually, I think she always paid minimum wages, but for a 'B' on a report card, I did get paid a quarter. For an 'A' it was a dollar, while D's & F's meant I had to pay her.
There's just something about a man mowing, isn't there?
Cool mower! How cute is that?! I used one in Germany one time that plugged into an electrical outlet, with a really long cord. He he!
Know what you mean about criticism. Never got it from dad (cause he hates to mow so much), but Andy can dish it out, he's such a perfectionist about the lawn. People need to let folks do things there own way, a different approach doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong.
I have several theories on this about dishwasher loading, laundry lint trap cleaning, vaccuming, mopping, etc. No matter how it gets done, the point is that it gets done.
The last time I mowed the family lawn I mowed over and chewed a door mat, tipped the mower over and ran into the house screaming for Mom as smoke billowed behind me. Two blessings: I still have all my toes and Dad wasn't home.
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