I was just sitting in my living room when I heard a drum sound outside. I looked out the window and there was a Good Friday processional going down the street, complete with a Jesus, Romans, a very large cross and what looked like about 100 people. Good Friday, is, of course, a very dark holiday that I am not fond of. When I was a kid, my parents used to take us to church and we'd sit through a sermon detailing the more agonizing moments of the crucifiction, then they'd turn off all the lights, and we were instructed to leave the church in silence and spend the rest of the night
thinking about what we'd done in a cosmic sort of way. That can be some pretty heavy stuff for a kid.
This weekend we're having an Easter Brunch with some friends. My little one year old friend likes the baby sign for
bunny, conveniently, so I'm sure we'll be communicating about that.
Here's an old Easter pic of (left to right) my brother, me, K.M., little J.T., and my sister. I've been trying to remember why we're all so grouchy, but I can't. (Maybe we're upset about being put through the Lutheran Ringer all weekend! Or, maybe we're just sugar-crashing after eating from our Easter Baskets.) BTW, my mom made that dress for me, and I LOVED it! Isn't it pretty?
I love this picture! So cute! I don't think any kids are that happy about getting dressed up and going to church. Maddie has already started her "I hate church" campaign in honor of weekend plans.
OMG! What a bunch of cuties!! Your brother looks like he wants to punch someone. :)
Yikes! That sounds like a terrifying church experience. Why do adults torture their children with those horror stories? These concepts are too big for kids to rationalize! So effed! My grandma was always pulling that crap with me. That whole "if you don't accept Jesus into your heart you're going to hell no matter how great a person you were" tune still shrills in my ears. Infuriating.
I do love your dress, I don't think I got that one as a hand-me-down. Did you secretly hold on to it:) I definitely wore C's dress, though. Did you like my Sears-bought pink knit leisure suit? Kind of tacky, huh. (don't tell my mom I said that)
Yes, your leisure suit is rockin'. But, I have to say... Sam probably takes the cake for most stylin' ensemble! (:
How can anyone comment on you dress without a comment on your rockin Farrah Faucetish hair! If I remember correctly, we wore those beautiful little dresses with ugly buster brown orthopedic shoes, anyone?
Well, since those were the only kind of shoes we had, I'd have to guess "yes."
those Good Friday (good for whom, I always wonder..?)services sound positively pentecostal...!
What a bunch of cute kiddies! My Mom used to sew us all really spectacular (and coordinated) Easter outfits, as well. Carrie looks rather adorable, I must say!
A torturing adult responds by saying we don't always know what we're doing and sometimes we make mistakes - especially if you don't have a history in a particular area yourself as I didn't have in religeon. I am sorry for pain I have caused. You were all mad because we had told you we had to get going to Grandma's house so let's take one more picture and load up. You wanted to stay and play. Kathy and John are clueless that you are leaving so they don't look so unhappy. I made Sam's little suit and was proud of it. I liked the ribbons on the dresses. I loved to make the dresses.
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